Wendy L. Freedman

Our Expanding Universe: Wendy L. Freedman 2023 Ryerson Lecture

Is There a Crisis in Cosmology? - Dr. Wendy L. Freedman

Wendy L. Freedman - Is Mathematics Eternal?

Professor Wendy L. Freedman: Misel Family Lecture Series

Wendy Freedman On Dealing with Systematics in Astronomy

Wait, has JWST SOLVED the 'crisis in cosmology'?! #shorts #astronomy #science

Did JWST Just Solve the Biggest Crisis in Cosmology? Wendy Freedman

Wendy Freedman on the Hubble Constant, Standard Candles, and Cosmology | Closer To Truth Chats

What is missing from our understanding of the cosmos? with Wendy L. Freedman

Solving the Hubble Tension with Standard Sirens? Wendy Freedman

Wendy Freedman - What's Real About Time?

AAS Journal Author Series: Barry Madore and Wendy Freedman on 2023AJ....166....2M

Hubble Sabitine İlişkin Gerilim Bize Neyi Anlatıyor? | Wendy L. Freedman

The Hubble Constant measurement mystery: Professor Wendy Freedman explains

Alikram Nuhbalaoğlu | Wendy L. Freedman | What is the Tension in the Hubble Constant Telling Us?

Wendy Freedman - Ta-You Wu Lecture - 10/22/14

Leavitt's Law Explained by Wendy Freedman

This new telescope might show us the beginning of the universe | Wendy Freedman

Wendy Freedman - Must the Universe Spawn Life and Mind?

PSW 2428 Is There a Crisis in Cosmology? | Wendy Freedman

TedxUChicago with Professor Wendy Freedman | Global Voices Lecture Series

Why Can’t Scientists Agree On The Age Of The Universe? with Wendy Freedman

What Are Giant Branch Stars and Why Do They Matter? Wendy Freedman

Wendy Freedman - What Happens in the Far Far Future?